Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Thing 23

The final thing!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, in a former life I was a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and still use their forms to record my training and development. The Development Record has the following headings:

  1. What do I want/need to learn?

  2. What will I do to achieve this?

  3. What resources or support will I need?

  4. What will my success criteria be?

  5. Target dates for review or completion.

I also use it to inform the individual development plan (IDP) which I have to complete at work as part of the appraisal process. In fact my participation in CPD23 things was a result of something recorded on my IDP, as my line manager suggested it to me. This means I can now tick off one thing on my list. However, participating in the course has actually now lead to me adding a whole load more things to the list as it has invited much reflection and has reignited my passion for learning. (The completion of my PG dip earlier in the year had led to a brief lull and period of recovery - the house needed decorating, I needed to start speaking to my family again etc!)

I have enjoyed the CPD23 things immensely and will certainly be revisiting it many areas at my leisure over the coming months. The "things" came thick and fast and it was sometimes difficult to keep up. Despite the end of the course, I hope to continue blogging about my experiences as I think it is a useful way of recording and reflecting on what I am doing.

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