The weeks seem to be flying by and it is quite difficult to keep up with the "things" thank heavens there's a catch up week soon. As far as Thing 8 Google calendar is concerned I have decided that one is not for me because I use Outlook at work. Going back to one of my early posts I am still a bit nervous as to what information I put out in cyberspace and so don't quite like the idea of saying I am on holiday in Timbuktu in a calendar so someone can hack in and go burgle my house - call me old fashioned but I only write that on my kitchen calendar! Current revelations of hacking scandals have done nothing to reassure me I have to say. So I think I will stick with my work calendar for now which is just shared between colleagues, and my kitchen calendar without which my life and the lives of my family would fall apart.
Thing 9 Evernote looks much more interesting though and I can see its potential. Amazingly network security at work allowed me to download it onto my PC. I have not yet had as much luck on my home laptop however - maybe because it is this week's "thing" there is a lot of traffic so I will keep trying. I have tentatively made a couple of notes. Previously I have just saved everything of potential use to my Delicious account.
As there have been quite a few new things for me to get to grips with so far it is going to take a while to get the benefits and realise the potential of some of them but at least keeping up with the course is making me have a go. One thing coming out of CPD23 is that I should really upgrade my phone to take advantage of what is out there.
Meanwhile I am catching up with many tasks in the LRC and preparing for the new term whilst the students are on holiday - no customers but lots of maintenance going on around me - trees being chopped down outside my window, roof, which was stolen over the weekend being replaced (yes that's right, stolen!) so not very peaceful - but there's never a dull moment.
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